Thursday 24 September 2009

HeY everybody school has been so hectic ive had no time to blog but school is great ♥ ♥ ♥

Wednesday 2 September 2009

OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* My summer is nearly over boohoo I only have 2 days b4 i start school!
I met up with some friends and we were talking about our end of yr party and looking through the photos i took and this one made me kinda tearful its so pretty my mum organized this and there sky lanterns you light a fuel cell and it fills the biodegradable paper balloon with hot air and floats away with a wish {aah}

Monday 17 August 2009

Wow 1.00am that's late but that's when i got to sleep last night UGH!!

I'm tired and have bags under my eyes {they look kinda like prunes:-O}
but at least the sky is blue in London today ^o^

a poem:

There is a pigeon perched outside the window at the moment I'm staring at it and its staring at me while we both read this poem to lily lily lea* !
{*lily lea is my next door neighbours purple and teal koala form Switzerland who only speaks his semi made up language pre-raphaelite Tuscanese }

Friday 14 August 2009

I wish i was Alice from twilight what with the being immortal and reading minds !!!She's the coolest!! ^o^
Wow how long has it been !!!!!!
what with school and stuff i haven't had any time to blog but a few months ago i blogged about twilight and whether or not they were any good asking for advice [i didn't get any } but a 1 month ago i was lent all of the twilight saga i read all of them in about 3 weeks they were so good then i read the unfinished manuscript of twilight from Edward's point of view sooo good {its on Stephine Meyer's website or blog I'm not sure ??:-§ }

Here is a list of 13 things that have been done by me since the last time i blogged:
1. I have rediscovered my love of cycling
2.I have played an 19th century American Cornall in a play
3.I have left my old school
4.Ive brought new uniform
5.wished I was a vampire
6. discovered the band placebo(rocking! )
7.updated my ipod by adding 58 songs and 2 videos
8.cleared out my room
9.given to goodwill
10.morned the loss of my last goldfish a new phone
12.learnt all the words to 'leave out all the rest' by linkin park and 'U r so gay' by Katy perry
13. done karaoke at one of 3 leaving party's i went to [i sung black horse and a cherry tree by Kt tunstall]
wow that's a long [partial] list ^o^

Tuesday 28 April 2009

Calling crafty peeps!!! Help!!!!!!!

click to help every click counts!!
they need us!!! ^_^

Save Handmade Toys

Saturday 25 April 2009 - The place for profile layouts, flash generators, glitter graphics, backgrounds and codes

What a cute elephant !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look out for holiday photos soon!
I would do them now but I have a cold -_- Rrrr! not again!

Saturday 4 April 2009

holidays and new reads!!

Its the Holiday wooo hooo !!! Its the Holiday wooo hooo !!! Its the Holiday wooo hooo !!! Sorry made a mistake B4 the Anime expo I mentioned in london is not til May!![OOOPs!!] Im soooooooooooo happy no school for two weeks !! >o<> I have a question. should i read twilight ? Make that 2 questions . Is it good or crap ? 3 questions! Do the rumors of more descriptions of hair than actual plot speak true? OK 4 questions!! Super soppy? or maybe Notty!
Please tell me !!!!!

Random Cuties !!!

Even when animated...
Aragon Is So handsome! So is Legolas !

Wednesday 1 April 2009

so cute!

cute !!!!! Hip hop candy Go there !!!!

april fools!

Bird flu is spreading across the world !!!!!!!
April fools !
OK it wasn't funny I know please no nasty comments.
I don't know a single April fools gag that is not going to make me feel guilty. 6.6
My old year 5  teacher plays pranks on his class every year he told us David Beckham was flying over the school so we all had to bring in white sheets or towels lay down on the  the playing Field and spell out the letter B , because the other schools were spelling E, C, K, H, A, M. Then he got the head master to phone him Whilst putting on a bad impersonation of D.B.

April fools!

Pinch punch first day of the month![He-he] Nearly Easter holiday WOO HOO! which means 2 things 1. Going to Lake district {Hiking, looking for bunnies,sheep.Photography, water coulors,Etc.} 2.the London Anime Expo[bunch of Manga +Anime crazed ppl cosplaying, waiting in super long ques and buying stuff that when they get home the will realise they got ripped Off!] This year I wont be at the London expo I will be Hiking in the Lake district! pictures of me and two friends at the london expo dressed as Kiki, No face and Chiero (our fave makeable studio ghibli characters!)and the Que to get in ! Picture of Lakedistrict as well.
we went canoeing two years ago it was so much fun  Everyone must try it!!!!

Tuesday 31 March 2009

!*!*!cute piccies!*!*!

look at these!! 8-) dey is cute

Who doesn't love cute lunch !? Who doesn't love Japanese lunch ?!
Who doesn't love Cute Japanese lunch ?!
Look at for amazingly adorably cute Japanese lunches!****{stars out of 5(so5)}
If cute lunch don't float that boat of yours try just plain cute on ****(so5)
Does my blog live up to this sticker ?
To glitz up your blog go here------>

Monday 30 March 2009

YES Finally it is British summertime:P but it still doesn't feel it :'(
so in the UK the clocks have gone forward ! And it is SO much sunnier but i have this damn cold! I cant believe in one day a girl can go from supa clean nose to
walking snot monster!!!!!!! UGH
Video to cheer up me and anyone feeling grotty!!

Ugh !!!>_<

Ugh Ugh Achoo!
I have a cold {sulk sigh} it is wonderful and sunny outside and I'm stuck at home sneezing & using the GDP of Guatemala in tissues!!!!!!
I is very p-ed off !!!!
But it has given me time to upload this HILARIOUS video.

Achoo!!!* Oh god sorry let me wipe that off your screen

Thursday 26 March 2009

check out this web site you can even make one of these

Sunday 15 March 2009

sad sunny sunday ,'-(

I am sad !!!! :,-(
Today my forth fishy died he was 8 years old, around 30cm long and lovely with a beautiful tail.
Only one of my beautiful comets left :,-(

sad is me we are going to bury him at the allotment today.

Booo hoo hoooooo!

RND ^o^

Hi did every have a gr8 R.N.D I did !!!
But my school did Nada! Omig!
What slackers Tut!

The little Britain + Cathrine Tate sketch was terrible
but the Mama Mia spoof was SOOOOOOOOO* funny!!

Friday 6 March 2009

Thursday is world book day at our school we can dress up as a character we like I'm dressing up as Susan from chronicles of Narnia.
I got my secondary school letter ^o^ I'm going to Latymer and Goldolfin. But I'm not going to be with my
>_< :-(

Monday 2 March 2009

<-------CHECK THIS

Im freaking out man !!!!

Im Freaking out! I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!* scared Cos' I wanna be with my B.f.f.s and It might not happen!!! AND I have Hobo nails! Ive been chewing and picking at them so much And that is weird for me i never I repeat NEVER Bite my nails.
Pp. Someone please shout at Lady Gaga and Alisha Dixon cos that is all I've herd all day from Most of of my Dimmer school chums \ /

Sunday 1 March 2009

Hi !!! Blogger world I'm new on the block and hope to make the block way more super cute!! ^o^ than before!!