Friday, 14 August 2009

Wow how long has it been !!!!!!
what with school and stuff i haven't had any time to blog but a few months ago i blogged about twilight and whether or not they were any good asking for advice [i didn't get any } but a 1 month ago i was lent all of the twilight saga i read all of them in about 3 weeks they were so good then i read the unfinished manuscript of twilight from Edward's point of view sooo good {its on Stephine Meyer's website or blog I'm not sure ??:-§ }

Here is a list of 13 things that have been done by me since the last time i blogged:
1. I have rediscovered my love of cycling
2.I have played an 19th century American Cornall in a play
3.I have left my old school
4.Ive brought new uniform
5.wished I was a vampire
6. discovered the band placebo(rocking! )
7.updated my ipod by adding 58 songs and 2 videos
8.cleared out my room
9.given to goodwill
10.morned the loss of my last goldfish a new phone
12.learnt all the words to 'leave out all the rest' by linkin park and 'U r so gay' by Katy perry
13. done karaoke at one of 3 leaving party's i went to [i sung black horse and a cherry tree by Kt tunstall]
wow that's a long [partial] list ^o^

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