Wednesday, 1 April 2009

April fools!

Pinch punch first day of the month![He-he] Nearly Easter holiday WOO HOO! which means 2 things 1. Going to Lake district {Hiking, looking for bunnies,sheep.Photography, water coulors,Etc.} 2.the London Anime Expo[bunch of Manga +Anime crazed ppl cosplaying, waiting in super long ques and buying stuff that when they get home the will realise they got ripped Off!] This year I wont be at the London expo I will be Hiking in the Lake district! pictures of me and two friends at the london expo dressed as Kiki, No face and Chiero (our fave makeable studio ghibli characters!)and the Que to get in ! Picture of Lakedistrict as well.
we went canoeing two years ago it was so much fun  Everyone must try it!!!!

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